Ah yes the MJ Halloween spectacular, it is a classic. As for this Halloween, It sucked... I usually go to the city to get my groove on but this year some fuckin terrorists prevented me from doing so, assholes. Anyway I did what I thought would be the right thing to do, throw eggs at all the little fuckers on foot, but to my suprise there was practically no one out, can someone please fill me in, do you guys no longer go out and destroy neighborhoods like we used to? With the exception of a pretty large group of hoodlums outside of Taco Bell we had no one to really bombard with our eggs. Thanx for being there when we need you guys, as for the rest of you, get your shit together this is the one day of the year when it's OK to break the windows of your neighbors house and set fire to the trees on Mr. O'Sullivans front lawn cause no one knows it's you doing it. JEEZE, some of us are getting to old to keep the torch ablaze.
I was Father Jim for halloween this year. It sucked being 350 lbs and quite damp with sweat. I also saw the MJ halloween special, as well as the full-length "Smooth Criminal" video, in which Micheal takes a little girl and a dog to a cave in the woods. Nice.
» andrew burton @ :// 11/01/01
I fucking destoyed the neck. it was aesome
» playa 11/01/01
yo u cant spell
» hi 11/01/01
Now to all you kids who wondered why i was mad when my car got egged back in the day, Blum's 8000$ in damage should be a pretty clear example. I think we got some revenge last night.
» Swanburg 11/01/01
Bloms shit machine had over 800 in damage, thats fucking awesome please do tell more swanburg
» whitcomb 11/01/01
Top that wasnt illbill who wrote that. The spelling was to accurate and there was use of punctuation.
» felix 11/01/01
of i wrote that i doubled checked and this time
» illbill 11/01/01