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Music deadline
The Northport music spotlight deadline is coming up boys and girls. We have a bunch of submissions, but we don't have any from the groups that actually inspired this event (fisheye & noon to five), and I'd honestly be let down if they don't wind up sending anything in. All that talk and no redemption would be a shame. Anyway, I want to have all the submissions in by this Friday (2/15), so there's not much time left. Email me with your submissions or reach me on AIM to submit your tunes. If you're having problems getting the music onto the comp, drop me a line, I'll probably be able to help in one way or another.

The forums are progressing in terms of features and looks, and while still not 100% dialed, we're getting closer day by day. If you're having the following issues check out these threads:
I keep getting logged out, and have to sign back in repeatedly
The time displayed on the forum is all kinds of wrong
In general, registering and then going through all the profile & options settings will cure what ails ya.

The Baron @ ://   02/11/02

4 commentsTop of page
The one and only MC Undeez is gonna fuck everyone up in this music spotlight.
» Leonard Skinner @ :// • 02/12/02

Its lame how fuckin' lazy people are. EVERYONE talks so much shit about how good they are or what they are doing and no one steps up to the plate... even those 2 bands. We all have the right to call fisheye and noon to five complete shit.
» Northport Nerd w/ Big underwear • 02/14/02

Holy shit dude, I just found out about this now. I didn't know you actually wanted my band on it seeing as how 3 of us go to sachem and you were like ONLY NORTHPORT BANDS...we dont have a cd out yet, but i can give you a tape if that helps....
» Fred from Noon to Five @ • 02/14/02

die northport nerd
» bust • 02/14/02