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The state of illbill adress
The last week i went to niceragua. It was quite kicken. Their
were many memoriable momments like when Illbill's pick up truck
was commendered by the police or when I busted moves and the
niceraguans said " That when I dance god is happy. This is also
one of my last post on the sevs community. I loved the days when my
pointless but funny comments cause controversity when the All the illbill
bashers decided to make fun of illbill. Sometimes I spoke all arogantly. It was
all an act Many people thought it was funny and just as much beleved
i was full of myself. At the end Sevs is a place were the entire Student body
could get together and express their views in a non - school setting. It
sometimes got offencive but Freedom of speach is something that our fore-fathers
fought and died for and shouldn't be taken a way. As I part
illbill says you may take our fourms but you will never take our FREEDOM

ill Bill @ ://   06/01/02