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People, much like parakeets, tend to flock. I'm sure you've seen it, and I'm sure you've done it, it is simply a part of being human. Even those who claim to be individuals, group together despite their insistance that they are truly their own person. I'm sure you've seen all the "individuals" in our school who hang out by the auditorium. They all individually decided to dress alike, honest, no, seriously, they did, I'm not lying.

Now to the point, people who are so uncomfortable outside of a group environment that they feel the need to display their affiliations like it was their hair color. DGF, KT, Pirate Cove, etc. It's all the same bullshit. Insecure kids with small dicks and no self esteem. I don't have a problem with anyone belonging to a group, don't get me wrong. What gets me is the need of these members to constantly remind others that they are indeed members of said gang X, Y, and Z (don't forget Q). No one fucking cares. Even if the group is cool, it does not make you cool to parade around in your proverbial colors. It makes you a desparate loser who can't stand the idea of not fitting in. Advertising your group like a putz puts you in the same league as a soccer mom with the "My Child is an Honor Student...", or the even more clever (read: lowbrow) "My Kid Can Beat Up Your Honor Student" bumper stickers. It goes beyond pride, right past being funny, veers left of respectability, and finally touches down at pathetic. There are times and places for displaying what group you belong to, but for the most part these are limited to team sports and war.

The only club where you are instantly cool is the mile high club, and that is only because the initiation is oh so sweet.

Chad @ ://   10/11/01

75 commentsTop of page
Wow your a fucking loser go fuck yourself
» bill • 10/11/01

being in groups is human nature. Everyone has their own group of friends and thats fine with me. while yes the "individuals" do dress alike, that is a lot more expressive than the dress code that the rest of the school wears. think about it. almost every person in our school dresses the exact same. its a dress code without the rule even being there
» just my two cents • 10/11/01

Chad knows all or at least close to all.
» Costa • 10/11/01

Fucking A, Chad.

The only club where you are instantly cool is the Celery club!

» Sassy @ :// • 10/11/01

Dude its called the Cubby and youve been in this school for how long?

god your smarter than i am oh
» (I Lost MYND) • 10/11/01

U think a really big nugget could be a group?
» Moocow • 10/11/01

While it is human nature to band together in groups, that does not mean that people are not individuals. Originality and individuality go beyond how one dresses (although that is one way of being an individual.) Why do you go and attack people who hang out in the cubby or people who want to express something they like (I am in no way supporting any of those li'l racing teams, especially because they're divisions and over-bearing pride represent cheap scrimmages of warfare, and we all know that I'm against all forms of war)? I'm sure you, as the rest of us, have a group that you enjoy to be with and are proud to be a part of. So save your fucking hypocricies and prejudices.

I do recognize that this could be taken as a retaliation, which would imply war and make me no better than you, but 'tis not a retaliation, merely an opinion.
» Raps @ • 10/11/01

I have no problem with groups. Everyone belongs to some form of group. Read the article again. My problem is with people who cling to a certain group and are powerless outside of it. I have no problem with the "cubby" kids either, they were just a casualty of example. Also, remember these posts are intended as conversations starters and therefore present only one side of an argument. Presenting both sides limits potential discussion.
» Chad @ :// • 10/11/01

Chad is like a stoned yoda, He knows all
and he is a little green man with bloodshot eyes
» Moocow • 10/11/01

BMR Boyz gave me ahome Chad. if it wasnt for them i might be eating pivkles out of your trash. BMR Boyz is my life now. Dont tread on the BMR Boyz, or you may get trounced!
» Felix • 10/11/01

Is this post gonna be pulled too? Or was it just that other one? It could be called "pulling a sevs" saying something ballsy without the balls to back it up.
» James M. Myles III @ • 10/11/01

Just that other one.
» Chad @ :// • 10/11/01

Well obviously only presenting one side limits conversation. I mean, I would have said nothing if both sides had been appropiately supported. That said, why do you have such a problem with people wanting to stick with a certain group? I myself support complete unity, but if a few kids have something in common and wanna stick together and show their support of each other so be it. Furthermore, you say that no one cares, but obviously you care enough to lecture about it. In fact, one could perceive your need to attack and verbally assault others as a means of covering up your insecurities (having a small dick and no self esteem, I believe was what you had said?) Ah fuck, why not analyze some more? 'Tis almost always the case that when a guy tries to put-down another guy by insulting the size of his dick, the initial guy has a small dick himself. (This is not meant to be taken as a put-down, merely a fact.)

That's all I'll say for now, because I have to sneeze.
» Raps @ • 10/11/01

hmmmmm, doesnt this indeed give us all something to think about leading toward the future......

and now all i can think of is that silly little " jive turkey phrase" oh the histerics.......
» pondering • 10/11/01

Chad is the fucking yoda and he is so true on this fact. you can be in a group of friends as everyone is but the real difference is when you have to say your part of the group by labeling yourself with a sticker, therefore your feeling the need to publicize your involvemnt in the group and are thus insecure about who you are. Well said chad your my hero second to rip
» whitcomb • 10/11/01

wow chad must have no life to keep on dwelling around thes groups of kids like kt and the pirates if u ask me chad needs a group it seems he has to much of hi own time to somehow dwell on something that he claims to care so little about. Chad are u a member of the mile high club? No i didnt think so so i guess your jsut an all around loser with nothing better to do then find something so not important to write on get a life
» ? • 10/11/01

You have no problem with people who belong to a so called "group" only those who cling to it.First of all what the hell do you care? Maybe some people do need to feel secure with who they hang out with and who are in there group. I dont see how that can effect u in anyway, If they keep in there group there not bothering anyone, Theres no hardcore gangs in Northport that anyone has to fear or not get along with, and plus you make fun of all these groups and yet ur in one of the biggest most insecure groups of all, this website is the only thing that makes u feel important or makes u feel like u fit in in some way in Northport High School. You say its annoying that people do things to show their pride for what they belong to, and yet all you write about on this website is gay shit about how Northport sevs is the greatest.So in other words i think u should seriously think about what u r saying to people on this website, cuz all ur doing is making urself look like a big ass not to mention an even bigger hipocrite, So basically shut the fuck before u get yourself into some serious touble
» Pirate Cove • 10/11/01

Yeah, there is no threat in Northport. Huntington on the other hand.... Lets just say they will fuck you up.
» Felix • 10/11/01

Chad, you are obviously a loser for lacking your own self-esteem, so much so that you feel the need to put others down. Why do you care how other people dress anyway? Do they do anything to you? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate you, Chad, I just feel sorry for you.
» WowYou'reSad • 10/11/01

well said pirate cove i 100% agree with you, chad just keep your mouth shut
» bill • 10/11/01

i feel sorry for chad too, but I feel worse for the rest of you. you dudes arent too smart with your thissin and a thattin. maybe you should break out of your rut and get into the groove. I think you should all stop hating eachother, and learn from the messiah, ill bill, he doesnt need to disgrace your race, he just busts a move and keeps it real, peace and straight up, keep it the way you know how, real like a banana peel
» Local booze hound • 10/11/01

chads a big kid, if he kept his mouth shut he'd starve
» l33t d00d • 10/11/01

Pirate Cove and bill burn regs
» moocow • 10/11/01

when I went to school it was "Land Pirates" and SIB. No one cared then, no one cares now. BMR forever
» Sassy @ :// • 10/12/01

both sides got truth in what they say. I agree everyone in someway needs a group, someone to back them, support them and relate with them in some way. But the valid thing that Chad brings up is it also matters that u can function outside the group becuz they won't always be there in life. With groups we feel that we belong, in life succeeding proves you belong. All groups are necessary no matter how dumb they seem, cuz to that person it is there first connection to the world. I may not be a fan of the KT or Pirate groups but they share a bond with each other and that i respect.
» lizzerd • 10/12/01

» poopy mcgee • 10/12/01

I intentionally choose controversial topics. I enjoy observing how people react when you directly attack something they hold near and dear. I like to use my posts to conduct social experiments rather than just shoot the shit. If I made a statement that everyone agreed with, then all I'd get out of it would be 3 comments saying "tru". That'd be much less interesting than what we have here, now wouldn't it?

Say what you want about me, I can handle criticism, especially of the misinformed and biased variety. Some of you really need to look up the definition of the word hypocrite. Speaking of hypocrites, Raps, you need to get off your high horse. Why do I have a problem with people wanting to stick to a certain group?(a misinterpretation, but I'll respond just the same) The real question is why do you have a problem with me stating my opinion? Well, I guess you didn't have a problem with it because you weren't putting me down by calling my writing "hypocricies and prejudices". Nope, you didn't do that at all, it was just an opinion. And hiding behind cop out phrases like that is the way to be a true pacifist, not just pretend to be one.

Remember kids, it's the internet, don't take it so fucking seriously.
» Chad @ :// • 10/12/01

dont explain yourself man they dont have to read the site. write what you want. if it aint interesting people wont come.

» AllGoingToHell @ :// • 10/12/01

Chad rules.
» Costa • 10/12/01

Dude, don't say no one cared about SIB and the Land Pirates, those motherfuckers were bad ass...Not as bad ass as C.O.D., but they were bad ass. I could pretty much guarantee that you looked the other way when any one of those kids were walking down the hallway. Kids who hang out in groups usually do so because they share a common interest, the old schoolers liked dust and speed metal, these car groups well that's obvious, and as for DGF it's like 91 all over again with the dust and the speed metal, but truly we are a graffiti crew. And as for little dicks, the only group I know where its a mandatory to have a little pecker is BMR, I tried to get down but exceeded the measurements.
» REMSone • 10/12/01

I agree with Chad about some of his points. They may have been expressed pretty harshly. Its the same way that I've seen people buy a 5 dollar lunch and throw it out beause there was no one in their "group" to eat it with... LAME AS FUCK. Groups and friends are important and so is priding them. But when people who depend on groups too much and don't speak their own minds with in the group its just as lame as throwning out that food. Chad, point well made but I think that your point on "groups and friends" was lost due to your harshness of words. Everyone likes to jump on a band wagon and be part of something example: filthy razor scooters and rollerblading (gay as F*ck)
» Bugle TITZ • 10/12/01

Dude, don't say no one cared about SIB and the Land Pirates, those motherfuckers were bad ass...Not as bad ass as C.O.D., but they were bad ass. I could pretty much guarantee that you looked the other way when any one of those kids were walking down the hallway. Kids who hang out in groups usually do so because they share a common interest, the old schoolers liked dust and speed metal, these car groups well that's obvious, and as for DGF it's like 91 all over again with the dust and the speed metal, but truly we are a graffiti crew. And as for little dicks, the only group I know where its a mandatory to have a little pecker is BMR, I tried to get down but exceeded the measurements.
*Deranged Graffiti Fiends*
» REMSone • 10/12/01

Hey REMS... I was there in 91'. No one fucking cared, no one was scared of some white trash little gang then, and no one is scared of some little pretend gang now
» Sassy @ :// • 10/12/01

Sass, I do agree those kids were white trash, but they were pretty fucking hard-core...kill your dog and rape your baby-sitter kinda stuff. Maybe if anyone accepted you into a group in H. S. you wouldn't be here, on a shitty high school website, a FUCKING DECADE after you went there repping some make believe Internet gang. But hey what do I know, I'm just some kid from "some little pretend gang"
*Don't Get Flustered*
» REMSone • 10/12/01

well the van gang is the coolest and we are all about keepen it real
» illbill @ :// • 10/12/01


I make websites for a living. Chad and his boys are part of my site, and I've helped Chad with this site. I don't care about the rest of you fuckers, but Chad's a talented little fucker and I know how to recognize talent. I support sevs cause I support Chad. Running a site takees a lot of effort and knowledge.

The reasons Im here have nothing to do with you or your pretend gang.
» Sassy @ :// • 10/12/01

I think my friends are ill and why be ashamed of them.
» Swanburg • 10/12/01

i think this was the point..chads post didnt criticize any of the people in these "groups" he talked about the need to tell people you are in the groups. much love for swanburgs green machine
» whitcomb • 10/12/01

Everyone should have a Green Station wagon. Just 5 subs is overboard. But Swanny's twin turbo is nice. Swanburg find me a black uncle too. Whitcomb's mini-van is pimpin too. Maybe you'll pull ahead of me one day buddy.
» Jay Prochilo • 10/12/01

Exactly what high horse am I on? By pointing out my own hypocricies and faults I'm putting myself higher than others? And I already admitted that your post was very successful in bringing up a topic that a lot of people would respond to so there's no need for you to reiterate that. I had (and have) no problem with you stating your own opinion. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but by what you say it seems as if you have a problem with me stating my own opinion. Also, I never said that calling your writing hypocritical and prejudiced wasn't a put-down, I said that it shouldn't be taken as a retaliation. And you speak of my misinterpretations, huh? Exactly what cop out statements am I hiding behind? True pacifism has nothing to do with what I say, merely what I believe and how I act. I'm feeling restless.
» Raps @ • 10/12/01

Sass we all know what you do for a living I think you've mentioned it a bout 436 times. I know all about running websites, and I agree is it a little work, but for you to say that's the only reason you post here is a little far from the truth. Support and anxiously waiting to reply to every other post are two different things. Go do something productive with all your real world paychecks (And getting a hooker might not hurt, as you seem a little tense).
*Destructive Global Fires*
» REMSone • 10/12/01

You know all about websites, REMS? Then maybe you can help me with the problem I'm having. Can you just debug this for me?
'get the # of fields

KeyCount = Request.Form.Count
KeyCount = KeyCount - 1

'create arrays to hold the field names and values

Dim KeyNameArray()
ReDim KeyNameArray(KeyCount)

Dim KeyValArray()
ReDim KeyValArray(KeyCount)

'loop to populate array with key names and values

p = 1
For i = 0 to KeyCount Step 1
KeyName = Request.Form.Key(p)
KeyNameArray(i) = KeyName
KeyVal = Request.Form.Item(KeyName)
KeyValArray(i) = KeyVal
p = p + 1

'format the arrays for use in the SQL

x = join(KeyNameArray, ",")
y = join(KeyValArray, "','")

'build an SQL statement

sql = "INSERT INTO " & tablename & " VALUES ('"& y &"');"
response.write sql

'execute the SQL


Your mad Dreamweaker skillz are worthless.
» Sassy @ :// • 10/12/01

Ahh shit I figured it out myself. Silly me.

set dc = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
dc.open conn
exec = dc.execute(sql)
» Sassy @ :// • 10/12/01

We dont want you down with the BMR boyz anyways REM. Sass may be ad ork but he is alot more talented then you will ever be. I come to this site because Its great to read about Northport and i admit, shit talking is fun. But thats all it is. NO ONE cares about DGF, so just forget about it. Go smoke some dust and get fried and do whatever it is that you think is cool. there is nothing wrong with that as long as you arent criticizing others for their views.
» Felix • 10/12/01

Oh yeah....BMR!!!!!!!
» felix • 10/12/01

Now, unless I am in-accurate as to who is included in "Pirate Cove", there is no possible way that any of you, could put him in "serious trouble." You don't even have the balls to run over a squirrel, let alone cause some serious trouble for Chad, who is a god damn ox.
» Ernst • 10/12/01

yea your right about there being groups like KT and all the other fags. Anyone knows that has ever been to KT, has not left without having one of the best times of their life. Laughing untill you cry is always expierienced and the mass consumption of beer is always a good thing. Those who talk trash about the KT like John Donnely will certainly get theirs. OH YES, IT IS COMING!!!!!
» member of the kress taver crew • 10/12/01

hey REMS, I really do need your help, Since you know all about websites. Can you please help me?
» Sassy @ :// • 10/13/01

I don't understand the need for any of this. If kids wanna give a name for their group of friends, let them. KT, Pirate Cove and all those other groups don't bust on anyone for being who they are, so why should anyone cut them up for showing a little pride? They're just out to have a little fun and I think people just need to learn to respect it.
» brandt • 10/13/01

Having a group is fine, its ok to name them. I'm in a group myself. But you don't see me making stickers and other stupid shit. There isn't any need to advertise that your in "____Racing"
» Falcon • 10/13/01

There is always a way to advertise, then again how did we find out about the website...you guys had to advertise..And you are rankin on us for doing the same
» Dean • 10/13/01

First of all, all of us in DGF rarely even hang out together, we are harldy ever in "group" form, cause when we are bad things happen. We form like a satan charged vultron, people get hurt, and some of us go to jail. But, inevitably humans will be part of groups whether they like it or not. In this day in age if you dont sell yourself correctly (which usually involves conformity to some type of group and selling it out) your not gonna make it. Dont get flustered Sassy, I'm sure you sold your eastcoast creative skateboarder genre to all the california computer geeks and your probably the envy of them all. But I suppose you still need to fit in back home, thus the creation of Bang My Rear. Pretty fancy inter-gayng you got there. I did however, make into the mile high club and got busted by a stewardess during the initiation ritual and I'm damn proud of it.

Droppin Girls Facials
Derf Gets Freaky
» DerfDigityOne • 10/13/01

First of all, all of us in DGF rarely even hang out together, we are harldy ever in "group" form, cause when we are bad things happen. We form like a satan charged vultron, people get hurt, and some of us go to jail. But, inevitably humans will be part of groups whether they like it or not. In this day in age if you dont sell yourself correctly (which usually involves conformity to some type of group and selling it out) your not gonna make it. Dont get flustered Sassy, I'm sure you sold your eastcoast creative skateboarder genre to all the california computer geeks and your probably the envy of them all. But I suppose you still need to fit in back home, thus the creation of Bang My Rear. Pretty fancy inter-gayng you got there. I did however, make into the mile high club and got busted by a stewardess during the initiation ritual and I'm damn proud of it.

Droppin Girls Facials
Derf Gets Freaky
» DerfDigityOne • 10/13/01

Can someone please explain to me what the hell this guy is talking about?
» Sassy @ :// • 10/14/01

I think the thing that proves Chads point (which is quite accurate in parts and the only good arguement I've read in response was Raps which turned into self defense on both sides due to misinterpretation) is the fact that the Post Defending Pirate Cove and bashing Chad was done by not leaving a persons name but instead by hiding behind the team name. Now that person who made the post could come back and give their real name and make this post seem like a chalange to "show yourself" but it's not.Chads point was already proven, you out of instinct hid behind the name. And To respond to Deans comment about advertisement. They advertise the site to spread it to the masses, to let all people be a part of this place you love or hate but either way you keep commin back. The racing team stickers aren't really an advertisement they're a statement saying "I'm part of this group and you're not" therefore creating all the bitter feelings people have about it, It's all Envy Denial one way or another. I don't care about the racing teams in anyway shape or form, I'm one of the few "no one's" that Chad refers to, you want to be in gang x,z, or q I don't give a shit. But when You got to bash Chad for his "conversation piece" and you bash the site yet you keep commin back there's something wrong, and you I must say are officially a Tool.
» Vance McGav • 10/14/01

Vance rocks. Chad is the man. BMR forever.
» Sassy @ :// • 10/14/01

Everyone advertises in some way or another...We arent going aruond sayin your not in Kt or Pc..The whole Npt highschool advertises..Should we go bash all the sports team for wearin their jerseys on game day, and for them sayin we are on football and your not..Or the lead t-shirts..When i took the Sat's yesterday there was a shit load of kids advertising what school they were from...To say my point everyone advertises..We dont go around bashin people and go making fun of anyone we are just out to have a good time like any of the other groups like PC, the Van, bmr or any other group
» Dean • 10/14/01

thats enough out of you dean
» pillowcase • 10/14/01

Then stop arguing about somethign that doesnt make sense
» Dean • 10/14/01

BMR is a way of life, way of living, and a way to get funky. Dean wants down with BMR, so possy up. WERD!
» BMR BOYZZZZZ • 10/14/01

James M. Myles the Third... can you do us a favor and kil yourself. Im just asking.
» Alister Crowley @ :// • 10/14/01

Suggestion noted. You see, unlike yourself, I have the "kahones" to leave my full name and e-mail. I'm more then open to in person suggestions. If you have the "kahones". Oh wait a minute...I just called you out. Scratch that. Change my response to "Right on Brah"
» James M. Myles III @ • 10/15/01

Dean... Northport sevs was NEVER advertised! It is being spread to the masses (much like your mother) by word of mouth. Usually advertising involves selling something for money. None of these groups or webstes or schools are doing that. They are showing pride in what they like, much like a favorit band shirt. You have the mental capacity of a middle schooler huffin' gas. Do us all a favor and get a tatoo on your wrists that say "cut here" and put a dotted line.
» Porta Potty • 10/16/01

Yet what the kt and pc and bmr people are doin. I can make fun of your mental capacity but i have grown past that age..So by what you said, people takin pride and a liking to their hobby your making fun of them? That makes sense
» Dean • 10/16/01

alright fellas, I think this racing team shit is finally fading away, so lets just let it come to an end. If your angry then do somethin about it. Start a gang war, slash some tires. But if your just gonna have neverending bitch fights online, just give it up and start arguing bout something else, this topic is getting very boring.
» PeteTownshend @ :// • 10/16/01

Riggs that is!
» Bite Em' • 10/16/01

You have a problem with people having a KT or PC sticker on their car because they are proud to be in said racing group? Well how many of you have an American flag on your car? Or your house? Or even your fucking shirt? You say I need to learn the meaning of the word "hypocracy", huh? At least their stickers don't represent the pain, turmoil, and murder that was used to create what your red, white, and blue stickers represent. You think you're so much better than these other kids because your advertising is for the richest, most powerful nation in the world, and their's is just for a li'l group of racing friends? You make me fucking sick.
» Raps @ • 10/17/01

there is going to be a new group in NHS i got two words"the vigils"
» crzyman123 • 10/17/01

seriously, SHUT THE FUCK UP, who fucking cares if you have a flag or a fucking sticker, fight about something else, sex some chick up(or a guy if you are a girl) and quit being so god damn stupid, my god, you all sound like fucking whiny bitches, and half of you are, so talk about something else. Please.
» Fuck you all • 10/17/01

Why do you care what we bitch about? If you don't wanna hear it then just don't read what we say. And what, you're saying that a guy cann't go and sex another guy up? Or a girl cann't go and sex another girl up? Are you really that insecure with your sexuality that you can't even consider that some people prefer the same sex?

(How's that for talkin' 'bout something else?)
» Raps @ • 10/17/01

Raps, stop. You are just embarassing yourself.
» Chad @ :// • 10/17/01

Hahahaha, yes you did just seriously embarrass yourself, but hey at least now your out of the closet. And you even have a new group you can join "NAMBLA".
» Roger Lodge @ • 10/18/01

Actually no, sorry, I'm not gay. And if I were gay, I'd have no problem admitting it. But I'm not gay, I'm just contentious as fuck.
» Raps @ • 10/18/01

crazyman the virgls is a rip off of the gang in the book the chocolate war
» illbill @ • 10/19/01

Raps, is a cool kid! He has a point. And He is by no means gay! Believe me!!

This whole topic is quite annoying though and people have way to much to say about, and its not worth saying anything becuase people are so close minded they cant even comprehend someone elses point of view.
» J. • 10/20/01