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Men are from Mars, Women suck if they dont suck Penis
Cat's ultra-feminist man-hating ideas led me to write this post. She spoke some shit about men not being able to love. I say that's a load of fucking shit. Men fall in love very easily actually, faster and stronger than women even. Men even have more love to give than women. Women love very few in their lifetimes. Guys on the other hand, are full of love. Men love sports, men love fast cars, men love fast food, men love to feel big, men love big titted chicks with hot asses, men love to get their cocks sucked, men love sex, men love big screen tv's, men love action movies that have little plot. So go fuck yourself Cat. Actually, you admitted to doing that actually, so I cant dislike you too much. Although your reasoning and beliefs are shitty, saying men cant love, pish fucking posh, women are the non-loving culprits. Women only "deal with" stuff, they dont love shit, they only "deal with" shit. Women "deal with" men, women "deal with" cars, women "deal with" sucking on a penis(although there are some women that think like men and love to suck a cock, I salute you, you beautiful guzzlers), women "deal with" pretty much everything except for shoes, skirts, shirts, well you know, clothing in general. Hell, women dont even love themselves, they "deal with" their weight, their big asses, their small chest. Guys on the other hand, we love ourselves, not all of us have big black cocks, but hell we love our lil guys anyway. Also, not all guys cheat, and lets not just say that cheating is a man's game, because thats another load of shit, guys just have something called initiative. When a girl isnt happy with her man, she just fantasizes about some Fabio type with long hair and big strong arms squeezing her boobs and invading her body, guys dont go through that trouble, we just go out and get the newer better model of woman. In short, women cheat with their minds and guys go out and cheat.
Guys love a lot, women just dont love enough.

The Bishop Don Magic Juan @ ://   01/01/02

11 commentsTop of page
» illbill @ :// • 01/02/02

Okay i get your point. So i have a problem i know that. I know guys love a lot of things. I ment they cant love one female, while they are with that person. I just don't trust guys to be faithfull. But I don't hate men, males are great. (As for the cheating thing thats why they have porn. Well one reason anyway. But thats an other story.) We have a different point of view so we arent gona agree on this. Also any female who is only into clothing has major fucking problems.
» Cat • 01/02/02

why the hell is it no one has an opinion on this damn site besides the crappy ones that the people that do it have?
» wonderer • 01/02/02

oh and cat guys can be faithful to their gf's, my bf and I have been going out for a long long time, never once cheating on eachtoher
» wonderer • 01/02/02

No one replies because any man caught agreeing with this guy knows the repercussions:

A wise man said:
"Women: Can't live with em', can't live without em'."

Learn it, live it, and quit whining.
» Sassy @ :// • 01/02/02

i agreed word has various meanings like affirmitive or thats cool
» illbill @ :// • 01/02/02

Lets not over look the fact that women cheat also. From what I know they are just as bad.
» Buddy • 01/03/02

We're all imperfect...
» Cody • 01/03/02

A wise man never said:
"woman, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em".
What he really said was:
"woman, can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em".

p.s. Words to live by; don't remember it, didn't happen.
» kidnplay • 01/06/02

NOON TO FIVE IS THE BEST! If you read our lyrics on our webpage, most of them are based on real life experiences where the GIRL dicked me over!

But then again, I'm not saying guys never do it...My point is NOON TO FIVE IS THE BEST BABY!
» FRED ZIERAU @ :// • 01/07/02

two words

"barefoot and pregnant"
» chovenist • 01/15/02