It's the only way.
» Ana 10/14/01
Yea, right on. I just like this post cause it got rid of that fuckin drawing of a dick that was on this damn page every time I checked the news.
» RC 10/14/01
this is my life story
» lizzerd 10/14/01
i miss senior year at NHS. It was great only going to 2 classes a day and the rest at someone's house toking and STILL get good grades. And the two classes u did go to everyone crowded around the likes of Lauren Autz or Robert Miller 2 minutes before the teacher collected the homework copying the answers.
» AllGoingToHell @ :// 10/15/01
The American Public Educational System is SERIOUSLY flawed!
» Cody 10/15/01
The only part I'd add to that, is that for like the 15 minutes it takes to go to bed, you lie down trying to convice yourself to just get up and do it, but you can't, so you feel like shit...
I'm considered "Smart" by the teachers, and when you have that on your side, any lame ass excuse they believe but when the stupid kid next to me tries the same excuse they get slapped... I feel bad, but thats also another flaw of the school system. If teachers think your smart, you don't have to do homework, and you get good grades...
» Alex 10/15/01
even better is if the teachers think ur a good kid. I slack of and sleep in class and never hear any shit
» lizzerd 10/15/01
These are all good points, but in addition I'd like to add fuck you, fuck you, and go to hell.
And no, I'm not sure who I was directing that last comment at.
Add dia ria into the mix and it sounds like my life story... OH SHIT I GOTTA RUNS!! peace
» Spread HEAD 10/16/01
Dave Baxley... HA HA
» Monkey Spank 10/16/01
i masturbate at least 3 times a day
» hash 10/25/01
i think i have a durango but i know i'm a fucking liar. i lie about everything so dont trust me. no matter what i say. i'm a stupid arab
» hash 10/25/01