Up at the top of the page you can use the navigation menu to get to the main sections of this site.
News section is the main part of the site. In it, there are three subsections:
• The updates column is where the editors of the site post, basically your one stop shop for news and reading materials. The comments link below each post is how you give feedback about that particular topic. When an article has a
button on it, that means the entire article was too large to post in the main updates window, and by clicking the
button, you will be able to view it in its entirety.
• The poll is self explanitory (hopefully).
• The rumor bin, although not functional yet, will be a free for all posting bonanza where everyone is free to post any rumors of parties or whatever might be of general interest to the friendly viewers of this site. It is not intended for bs'ing though, that is what the forums are for.
Features is a section of all the content written by the editors, as well as some special interest stories. This is basically what you would consider the content of the site.
forums are basically the free for all area of the site, where anyone can contribute and discuss details to their heart's content.
links / hosted section is for other quality NPT and non-NPT sites we endorse and/or host on our server.
about / contact section basically just ties up all the loose ends.
We are now hosted by
ProHosters. They rock hardcore. If you're thinking about signing up with them, let us know so we can fill out a referral form and make some money off the deal.